Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm Giving God My Toothpick

Hi Ladies,

I gave God my toothpick!

Several years ago when my daughter was in first grade, she came home one day with some goodies a little boy had bought her from the school store. Her dad and I talked to her about why we shouldn't accept gifts like that from other children. We explained that his mommy may not be happy with him spending the money they gave him on little girls. A few days later she came in and tried to hide her backpack from me (A SURE SIGN I NEEDED TO LOOK IN HER BACKPACK!) Sure enough there were more goodies! This time from another little boy! This time I added up the value of the items ($3) and we took that out of her bank to give back to the little boy. I also wrote his mom a note thanking her for raising such a generous son but now we would like to give him some money to spend on himself. Oh, my friends the evil flesh reared it's head in my daughter hard at this! The next morning I caught her being deceptive either in words or actions three times! I was working that day and walked her into the classroom, because I needed to let her teacher know where to send her after school. As I walked over to her cubby to say goodbye, I caught her once again trying to hide the money and note in another part of her backpack! This time we walked over and handed it to the teacher so she would be sure the boy's mother got the note!

That afternoon, after school, I tried again to explain to her why she was being punished and that deception was wrong. I told her it was important for me to trust her and I handed her a toothpick. "Trust is like this toothpick I just gave you. I freely give it to you. But today by being deceptive, you broke that trust." I reached over and broke the toothpick. I then handed her a new one. "Trust is a gift. I will choose to trust you until you prove to be untrustworthy."
She understood and the toothpick has become a symbol of trust for our whole family.

Last night I discovered that I needed to give God my toothpick! No He did not break my trust. I found that I have been breaking it up into bits and pieces and handing it to Him to put back together himself. There are times when I don't trust! Not God! Not Man! Not woman! Child, or even dog!

So last night I gave God my toothpick! The whole thing! I may have to give Him another one as He reveals more areas in my life but right now I am choosing to trust Him!

I am trusting Him:

With my job and benefits.

With my health...I discovered Monday that I have a herniated disc and will be going to a pain center tomorrow to see if we can treat it without surgery. It has been hurting for over a year now. Yes....I put off going to the doctor that long! The other health issue is of a feminine nature, but the issues are right now on-going.

With our new church and being a pastor's wife...I am way to outspoken to be a sweet and gentle pastors wife. Pray HARD!

I have deadlines looming and conferences to prepare for all to be done before the first two weeks in September!

I am learning new duties at my job and learning how to be a part-time teacher----I just don't think that is even in my nature!

All of this is why I needed to give God my toothpick!

And now dear Friends if you have been paying close attention I have also given one to YOU!

I love you!


On Purpose said...

Hello Pam,

I have to say everytime I read your blog I am so touched, taught and thrilled at how God is working in your life and then using you to lead others to His heart! You go girl!

I could relate with so many things on your "list" today. I am walking through similar things and I am praying with you.

May you know that God cares for each one of the items on your list and is handling them with great care.

I love you my friend!

Nicole said...

Thank you for the story of the tooth pick. I really like that...a physical sign of trust. I am praying for you my friend.


My ADHD Me said...

I broke the toothpick of someone that was very close to me many years ago. She gave me a new one and I hadn't realized how important that little stick of wood was until I thought it couldn't be replaced.

Sharon said...

What a great story, and a learning experience. Thank You! I guess God would like a new whole toothpick from me about now. He is probably tired of picking up all the piece's. Thanks again you really touched me with this. I also think I will be using this in my women's ministry this month.

I am praying for you and your back. I can only imagine the pain you must be having.
I will also pray for the femine part.

God Bless you my sister in Christ

Edie said...

O Lord, Thank you for drawing Pamela to a deeper level of Trust in you. You are ever a Faithful God who will Never, no Never, no Never forsake your children. You keep all of your promises. How easily we forget that you have never failed us and become scared little children. Heal her back, provide the care and provision she needs as she trusts in you. Thank you that you hear, and answer even before we call. - In the Name of Jesus

Misty Akridge said...

hey great story! We will pray for you!! Trusting is no easy task. But totally worth our effort(i am having to learn)

Regina said...

Sounds like we have much in common. My little girl is in the 1st grade now, and last year she changed her behavior sheet from her teacher so that we would think she had a good day. We had to teach her that even if the truth gets you in trouble, a lie will surley find you in worse trouble.

There are also times when I don't trust.

And I had to laugh when you said "I am way to outspoken to be a sweet and gentle pastors wife. Pray HARD!" I often feel like I should be more "sweet and gentle," but sometimes I think it's just not in me.

The more I read, the more I can't wait to meet you. Thanks for the toothpick. . .here you can have mine. . .

Elizabethd said...

I'm not sure that pastor's wives should always be sweet and gentle! But I'm sure you are a very understanding one.

Kelly said...

I love the way you share a story! You really make it hit home.

I think you'll be a great pastor's wife...and obviously God does too.

LynnSC said...

Awesome post! I am learning to give God my toothpick too. There are so many things going on in my life that don't really fit into "my" plan... but I know that they are a perfect fit in God's plan. He is perfect.

I am also learning through my book study on What Happens When Women Walk in Faith that I want to be God's "Yes Girl". I want Him to be able to ask me something just because He knows that I will answer Him with a big YES! Stepping out in faith is huge... but I love to watch Him work.

See you this Tuesday,

JMBMOMMY said...

Loved this post. Love the toothpick part--very cool. I can relate to the not so soft and gentle. For years, I just said that isn't me. God didn't make me like that...but my spirit wrestled with it even as I would say it. I knew God had called me to a soft, gentle spirit. I also knew that people would be very confused if I were to show signs of softness--because that is not what I had been for so many years -- but I finally surrendered it...and God has changed me so much. I am still a work in progress.

I have the same back problem. I am curious what they have said your options are -- other than cortisone shots I haven't been given any--and leave with pain and a numb leg and foot almost everyday.