The visual mystery has come to an end and I'm sad to say no one was even close.
But I do have a random winner it is Sharon Sloan over at
Sharon is a great writer and I love her blog.

OK I know you are all dying to know what my visual mystery truly is, so lets look again at the clues.
It has nothing to do with snow or ice
It is used everyday, several times a day
You probably have one in your house
You are looking through it and it purposefully blurred.
Drum roll please.....
It is the center piece of a tape dispenser. The round outside edge is the scotch tape. The
crisscross shapes in the center is the wheel the tape rolls on. The colored stuff in the background as you are looking through the wheel is stuff on my desk: Pink and blue sticky notes and my pen holder can almost be seen clearly.
It was fun seeing your answers. I will have to do this again sometime.
It is funny how things we see and recognize everyday when they get too close our perception blurs so that they are unrecognizable. Much like when God is closest to us during grief, stress , or even times when we are stress free and things seem to be going our way....we can't always see Him clearly either. He is there.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you what Sharon won!
It is a Book/CD by George Beverly Shea called How Sweet The Sound. It is Amazing stories and grace-filled reflections on beloved hymns and gospel songs. These stories are incredible and I treasure my own copy.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mike and I are going on a date tonight.
Love ya
Awwww, Pam.....what a lovely surprise! Thank you so much.
OK, you are right...we were not even close....but I don't mind being "random"! :)
Thank you. You have blessed me with your kindness and your encouragement.
We are waiting for the first snowflakes to fall here in Bucks County, PA....expecting 12 inches over night! Woo Hoo!
I couldn't have ever guessed! I was thinking it was the microwave oven door or something.
Congrats to Sharon. She is a favorite of mine!
I can see clearly now! :D Congratulations to Sharon!
I hope you had a great date night!
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