Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh My Word!

Hi Friends,

In recent weeks, two events have created a desire for me to make changes in my life. One was seeing my old house (check out last post). Seeing what happens when a house is neglected and not kept up-to-date caused me to look anew at my own home.

The other event was a conversation Zoie and I had that has left me stunned and disturbed. It started with a simple question that I asked her...really off-handedly. "What are some things you see in my life that point you to God?" Her answer sort of took the life out of me. "You teach me right from wrong." I sat there a minute processing her words. So I asked her, "That's funny, you didn't mention things like prayer and Bible study...Why?" She continued, "Mom, I know you do those things. I just don't see asked me what I saw. I see you have devotions with the family. I see you pray with us every night. I don't see you do those things by-yourself."


If my own daughter does not see me reflecting God...then what kind of dull image am I reflecting of HIM to the World? I do pray and read HIS word...But I've been too private about it.


I have been busy updating my two dwellings. I am rearranging furniture in my home. I've looked at the space and taken the advice of some people who are good at this sort of thing...the one's who have designer's my mom. Every room in my house is getting some sort of update. It may be as little as moving a picture or clearing a shelf to doing a major over-haul like in Zoie's room...every stick of furniture was moved.

This week, while looking through a dictionary for my class I teach, I came across a new word. The word is "Transmogrification."

It means changing something to the fantastic or bizarre.

To do this I am turning to another designer's heart...actually HE IS THE ONLY TRUE DESIGNER! The earth and everything in it is the only complete designer-original. Every other designer has to use HIS scraps! (giggle, giggle...)

That's what God is doing in the place where HE and I dwell...My heart. I am being Transmogrified into the fantastic and bizarre creation HE wants me to be. We are rearranging attitudes, cleaning out some self-centered issues...which like dust seems to collect everyday on the surface of my heart. We are de-cluttering my thoughts so that what is being stored there is more like HIS thoughts.

I want to be changed to the fantastic and bizarre because HE IS!

I want my house to look better and reflect the values and beliefs of my family....I want God to transmogrify my heart to reflect HIS values and beliefs.

My house will once again clutter up because people live there. So will my heart because my self lives there too. But here's the I lay out the plans, direct the ideas, and my family works together....we can continue to update, refurbish and rearrange so that our house will reflect us well. With my heart, I must work with God to do the same thing. HE will layout the plans. HE will direct the ideas. HE will complete the job. I must spend time with HIM, listen to HIM and obey HIM. The more it is all about HIM the more it will be all about HIM!

2 Corinthians 3:18 says "And all of us have had that veiled removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like HIM and reflect HIS glory even more." NLT

Why don't you grab a dust pan, a mirror, your Bible and let's get TRANSMOGRIFIED!

Love ya,

1 comment:

LeeBird3 said...

I love it, and I love you! :)